So, Mandy tagged me a while back and I was totally a slacker... *blushing*....
So here are the rules of the game:
Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 4 people and posts their names with links to their blog, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.
Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.
Question #1 what was i doing 10 years ago?
I was a junior in highschool working at the Public Library.
Question #2 5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Laundry
2. Vacuum
3. Catch up on my blog rounds
4. Update my blog
5. Scrap
Question #3 snacks i enjoy:
1. Cheese & crackers
2. Quaker Rice Cakes
3. Pistachios
Question #4 things i would do if i were a millionaire
1. Build my own home
2. Pay off all debts
3. Go on a trip to Europe
4. Take a road trip all over the Western United States
Question #5 places i have lived
1. Milton, FL
2. Pensacola, FL
3. Elkton, MD
4. New York, NY
5. North East, MD
And I tag whoever wants to play along!
Been enjoying my weekend the past couple of days. Yesterday, Troy had to work day shift, so I was on my own all day. I ran some errands and stopped at Hobby Lobby since they were having a sale on stickers. I scored these alphas (as if I don't have enough of them already!) at 50% off! YAY!
Last night, Troy and I went over to David & Emilie's apartment for the 1st time! We had yummy chinese food! And I experimented a little bit with taking pictures at night. I have yet had time to really sit down and go through the camera manual, so I'm still just using the "auto" mode.
My birthday is next week and I just don't feel like I'm actually turning 27. I can't believe that in just 3 short years, I'll be hitting 30..wow. makes me feel SOOOO old.
It's been hot, hot, hot here. And I'm so NOT happy about all the wonderful tropical activities that have been going on. I don't want any hurricane's and/or tropical storms visiting us this year. I really don't.
Work is work. Some days I really enjoy my job and some days I really don't. Friday was one of those days where everything you do just seems to fall apart. It was a really bad day and I was so happy when the clock hit 5:00. I was out that door REALLY fast!
I'm planning on getting some scrapping done this afternoon. Think I'll hit up the challenge blogs and find out what are the latest challenges posted.
I hope this is a great week for everyone!
Hey not so much of the old please lol 3 years time I will be almost 40 hehehe
Hope you have a great week too :)
Hellllo from NZ! I just had to leave a comment after popping in:)
Have a papergoodness day!
So cool that you are experimenting with your camera. I have a few suggestions that should help out. Don't use a flash for self portraits. That harsh shadow is caused by it. Take photos in natural light. I know this is super hard when you work as much as you do. You can take much better photos on your lunch break in the shade of a tree or overhang.
And I love that night photo of your friends apartment. Next time move the camera up a little so the car isn't in the photo. Get more of the sky. Do you have a tripod? You can do a ton of really cool night photos with one.
And if you don't feel like it, you don't have to listen to any of that. just a suggestion.
yum that food looks delish! Sounds like a fun day! I hear ya about the job i remember those times. I dont miss it lol! 30 comes quick! I guess im really old since im 31 lmao thats ok i feel the same way lol!
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