....and we now have mushyrooms....
Tonite is my night. I can just sit back and relax and catch up on the blog rounds and everything else happening in the world. Troy is closing the store tonite, so it's just me and puppies....and one devil cat.
Can't wait until Saturday! Troy actually asked me if I would like to take a drive out to Crestview, FL, to go to the scrapbook store out there! I almost fell out of my seat :] It will be a nice break from the long workweek, that's for sure. And since the past 3 weekends have been ultra sucky...it will definitely be a nice change.
Last week was also not a good week. We had some family issues going on that we were in the middle of. Troy's car needed a new tire immediately (that was a nice little expense. oy.). The air conditioning decided it was going to give us fits - so, we had to call a AC guy and since it was the weekend, we got a nice little charge for that. And then, Troy was out using the weed*eater and got a little to close to the wires for the cable and internet and cut that off. oy. I'm glad that week is over with.
This week started off bad for me - but, yesterday and today were a huge improvement and I'm finally getting some calls closed out. Plus, only 2 more days this week and then next week for work...and I'm off for like 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANNOT WAIT! I so need a break. I only wish Troy could take some time off and we could actually go somewhere.
The new mojo challenge is up. Actually, has been for a while - but, I've been slacking on the blogging lately and am just now posting my whole layout for it.
Hey Melissa, thanks for stopping by my blog ^_^! Love how you used the BamPop pp on your LO!
Have a nice day,
Awww im so glad that week was going better! Sheesh i hate weeks like that! Love your layout missy!
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