Friday, December 9, 2011

December Daily

December 6th:
 - I took off the day from work since Troy was able to get three days off this week.
 - Troy & Pop-pop went to the Naval Air Museum for a while.
 - We attempted to get a decent photo to send with our Christmas cards this year. After 30+ minutes, we finally got a decent photo...
 - Had dinner at Wintzell's. We had never been there before - but Troy saw that they had AYCE snow crab legs, so he wanted to try it out. And shocks of all shocks, I actually tried the snow crabs and they were pretty good!

December 7th:
 - Finally went and got our Christmas tree.
 - Troy took Pop-pop to his eye doctor's appointment while I cleaned his house.
 - Had to buy a new tire for Troy's car. It was completely flat and when he pulled the tire off, there was a huge gash in the tire.
 - Went to JoAnne's and got my Christmas cards
 - Got 62 pictures printed at Wal-Greens.
 - Had tomato soup with elbow macaroni & grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner
 - And yes. We watched more Dexter. In fact, we stayed up until 1:30AM watching season 3. Gracious.

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