Sunday, December 23, 2007


I worked on this little mini book for my brother-in-law and his girlfriend yesterday. Filled it with pictures of their brand new baby boy! Turned out pretty cute. Used lots of Creative Imaginations -the Narratives Collection- along with some Tinkering Ink black and white paper. The pictures aren't the best, but you get the idea.

Wow. I had to go to Wal*Mart yesterday morning. Never again will I do that on the weekend before Christmas. That was a crazy chaotic madhouse. Totally not worth it.
Last nite, was like the first nite in forever that I actually cooked a MEAL...not just mac & cheese or hot pockets. I made pork chops, baked potatoes, and green beans...SO yummy! During the week, Troy is usually not home in the evenings..and I don't really feel like cooking for just me. So, usually I just eat a chicken sandwich and some Rice a Roni noodles or something...felt good to cook last nite. I think I'm gonna make taco's tomorrow nite. I LOVE tacos!

And here's a couple more drawings...can anyone tell who they are? Have a great Sunday!


Unknown said...

Love the book! MMm tacos...And those are great drawings...Dang their names slip my mind ummm liv tyler and brendan frasier however those are spelled...Am i right? They look just like them.

Michelle said...

Ah dang, Marie beat me too it. You're drawings are so incredibly accurate! They look just like them! I didn't know you draw.

That book is so adorable. They will love it. Sorry about the yucky shopping.